And here it is - the Temple of Skulls. Done and dusted (highlighted, varnished and tarnished!).
I was pretty much thinking this the whole time I was painting this bad boy. Come on, we all were right?! KALIMA...The main idea was that the "Temple" is in fact a misnomer and that this is more of an arena and that prayer, is in fact a bloody ritual combat or ripping someone's skull straight off of their spinal column... eeewww. Too far? Yep.
The idea with the skulls was to pain them in a style that would use the sponge technique that I recently tried on the Magewrath Throne. But when I replicated the same colour as I'd used previously the model became a bit too monochrome in appearance. So I needed to change the skulls to a different colour. I toyed with the idea of having them a tarnished metal colour, which would have been fine. But the dark obsidian colour has really grown on me and I would say that it's definitely original, which is always a plus. The other benefit of obsidian is that fact that it's such and "otherworldly" stone, despite being a naturally occurring rock. This really suits me because not only is it daemonic, magical but also subtle and "realistic". Winning... at painting!
It was surprising quick to do as well, despite a couple of false starts on the skulls and dark brown on the base sections. A few pics below for close-ups. Love to hear what you think about it. Can't wait to use this sucker.
A close up shot of the bloody corner:
Stairway to... death?
As the crow flies:
Black Spray
Skavenblight Dinge (entire model)
Highlight successive layers of
Stormvermin Fur
Baneblade Brown
Karak Stone
Stone slabs:
Mechanicus Grey (the dark one)
Administratum Grey
Basecoat: Chaos Black (how could I not?)
Sponge: Midnight Blue (it's a really old colour and not sure if it exists anymore, it's so blue black and has even got a hint of purple in it, which it great)
Sponge: Eshin Grey
With the sponge I tried to use the leopard print technique again on different sections to make sure that the Midnight Blue and Eshin Grey did have some cross over sections but were on different parts, with Eshin Grey on the more raised areas.