Saturday, 7 November 2015

For the Reik!

A few chop shop pics:

10 Marksmen of Morr (dour Reikland crossbowmen each of whom has lost family members to Morr) 

20 Altdorf Eternals (grizzled veteran swordsmen from the capital, well equipped but "all go, no show" despite Reikland and especially Altdorf's reputation)

10 Altdorf auxiliaries (10 handgunners who accompany the Immortals to battle)

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Sorcerous Portal

Sorcerous portal complete NOW WITH OSL effects!

Used the box art for ideas and the only tutorial. The bronze verdigris was done in my "old school" method of Dark Angels Green + Hawk Turqouize with a touch of white. 

The magical energy done by following the guidelines for the ethereal shadows on Nagash's cloak. Using Nihilak Oxide as the main colour which worked really well.