Saturday, 1 February 2014

Sisters of Averlorn test model

A couple of quick shots of the Sister of Averlorn test model that I've now finished.

I've avoided greens on the model because I really want to keep my army in the 'blue' scheme because I haven't got a blue army.


  1. The blue cloak is perfect, a nice contrast to the whites and golds. Maybe some highlights in the hair is one suggestion I might make. The bow is wonderfully painted as well

    1. Glad that you like it. I took my cues for this scheme from the Warhammer: Online 2 cinematic trailer (I'll add a link in to the post) for the darker blue. I think the two blues are different enough. Good advice on the hair. I followed the White Dwarf recipe that I haven't used before. I'll see what I can come up with. Maybe Karak Stone?
