Monday, 27 October 2014

Das Kapital: Altdorf

A limited edition captain model that I will be using in the Altdorf/Reikland contingent that will accompany my Karl Franz model when I ally them with my regular Carroburg force.

I went with the halved design and kept the metallics, reds, browns and parchments the same as my other Empire guys.

Also added a bit more orange into the feather which I used in the Witch Hunter model and liked the effect - ties it into the red well.

The dead Orc is painted in usual greens from the GW tutorial. The only change being the bottom lip which includes Bugman's Glow in with Waagh Flesh. Then with some Screaming Skull added on for a highlight. All blood effects were done with a base coat of Khorne Red and the added Blood for the Blood God, with some more careful spray/streaking effects.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Do you have a flag?

Empire Battle Standard with Gryphon Banner.

One of the main problems for my Empire army has been my lack of BSB in game play. I never really take one, when they're so crucial in game and really add to the combat and break test bonuses, the re-roll and just being a good centre point for the army.

Done in my standard Empire colours. A bit of 5 o'clock shadow thrown in for "tough guy" stylings!

Just need to give him a name. Any suggestions? The more creatively Germanic is all the better!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Basing work

Pretty meadows for High Elves

Sharp-cliffs, and frozen tundra forest for Dark Elves

For the High Elves, the meadow flowers are from Army Painter - ace stuff, really easy to use, just like the GW clumps that you can get.

For the Dark Elves, snow is Flex-Paste from Woodland Scenics, followed by GW snow effects. The grass is GW Mordheim Turf clumps, with the snow effects recipe stippled on top. You might also see the dead leaves as well, covered by snow, which are dead seed pods from our birch tree - these are amazing! Perfect scale for dead leaves for 28mm scale, free $$$ and plentiful in autumn. Win. 

Love to hear what you think.

Dark Elves

After much thought, I've done a bit of a redux to my Dark Elves. My main issue with the other scheme was that it was more "dull" than "dark." DE are dark, but they're still elves, so not dull.

So in order to fix this I've added quite a bit more colour and am happier with the overall look and feel. The dark purple and navy is a good combo as it looks black, but actually isn't. The addition of the bright green actually was originally intended to only be on poison weapons but having tried another blue-green OSL look on the Sorceress' eyes it actually didn't "pop" contrast as much and do got a bit lost/complemented a bit too much. I think the green actually adds to the dark power/feel of what Dark magic is all about - rippin' people's souls from their bodies, poisoning, devouring in black/greeny blasts of energy... Maybe anyway... 

A word on painting the Dark Elf skin:

I used Rakarth Flesh + Pale Skin (Valejo) in a 50:50 base mix then added increasing amounts of Palid Wych Flesh.

Shades were thinned Leviathan Purple wash and Dark Flesh, both done with Lahmian Medium (this stuff is liquid gold!).

The green accent is Warpstone Glow (Snot Green), Moot Green (Scorpion Green), Sunburst Yellow, White Scar. I used Biel Tan around the deepest parts of the eyes really judiciously just to make the eyeballs pop even further. She's blasting out a spell you see... Pfzzzzz *dead*