Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Do you have a flag?

Empire Battle Standard with Gryphon Banner.

One of the main problems for my Empire army has been my lack of BSB in game play. I never really take one, when they're so crucial in game and really add to the combat and break test bonuses, the re-roll and just being a good centre point for the army.

Done in my standard Empire colours. A bit of 5 o'clock shadow thrown in for "tough guy" stylings!

Just need to give him a name. Any suggestions? The more creatively Germanic is all the better!


  1. nice work TC! wow you're on a roll. Yup, definitely need a BSB these days. Names? Burhard the Brave (meaning 'protection' & 'brave') or Dieter von Gustav (meaning 'warrior of the people' and 'staff of the gods') or lastly Lothar van den Wiebe (meaning 'famous army' and 'war')

    1. Trying to get on as much of a roll as I can at least! Glad that you like him. I'm thinking I might add some script and extra images in freehand to the rear side of the banner as there is a lot of extra space. Thinking maybe a bit of freehand text as a big KF and a Sigmarite comet shape as well. What do you reckon?

      Thanks for the name advice. What about Lothar von Burhard?

  2. Freehand additions will be great. Maybe some text or some symbol to Carroburg? Ace! love the name.

    1. I'll definitely need to seek out a Cheatin' Gaz Masterclass in freehand! I love your banners so much, I'll definitely model this one on those. My Greatsword banner will have the Carroburg banner 100%, with this one I was thinking of more 'beginner' level freehand to get started...
