Saturday, 24 October 2015

It's not easy being green

Empire wizard: Lore of Life.

Significant conversions on this guy. Not sure if I'll add weathering effects and mud splotches to him or not... What do you think?

There's a blue/green glaze over the stone sucks as well. Not sure if I'll re-do this as a power crystal... Maybe a bluey-green or bright crystal blue.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Fire starter

Another wizard to add to my set. That makes three fire wizards!

Used more Mephiston Red rather than Khorne Red as has been the case with my other red colours on the rest of the army.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Flagellant fodder

Some more flagellant fodder

Makes 15 fully painted Sigmarite nutbags! 

The Brotherhood of Sigmar's bloody Judgement

Five to go, including the Prophet of Doom. 


Should he be differentiated somehow in colour scheme? Maybe some red cloth? He's got the flaming brazier head, and a back banner, so different cloth could be too much...?

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


So I said I'd never paint these, but never say never...

A golden "golden penis" and a whole lot of gold doubloons! 

Shading was initially gryphon sepia and then another mix with leviathan purple and sepia in selected recesses. Then a final selective shade with Agrax.

There is one more possible option left as well:

Adding some minor tarnishing with a thin Hawk Turqouize, Skull White and Dark Angels Green combination in a few patches. Not too sure though because gold doesn't oxidise light bronze... Goes more brown I think as it ages.

Love to hear your thoughts about whether you think they're needed.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Flagellants, attack!

Five more flagellants for the cult, makes 10!

With these guys, I used Rakarth Flesh, Steel Legion Drab and Rhinox Hide as the three main base colours on most models to add variety to the "drab" browns. I thought about adding in grey, but am really happy with the overall look of the unit.

I also added bruised effects with selective washes of leviathan purple and Baal red, plus the Blood for the Blood God to add the required level of sacrificial blood. Note: all this is from the flagellants themselves - flails are hard to aim!