Sunday, 4 October 2015

Flagellants, attack!

Five more flagellants for the cult, makes 10!

With these guys, I used Rakarth Flesh, Steel Legion Drab and Rhinox Hide as the three main base colours on most models to add variety to the "drab" browns. I thought about adding in grey, but am really happy with the overall look of the unit.

I also added bruised effects with selective washes of leviathan purple and Baal red, plus the Blood for the Blood God to add the required level of sacrificial blood. Note: all this is from the flagellants themselves - flails are hard to aim!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, yes indeed. One can imagine these nutters swinging the flails around, conking each other. Makes the special rule even more appropriate. I like how you have kept the handles a light colour, these can often dominate the look when dark brown...nice touch
