Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Dawn of the(Un)Dead: Banshee

Another update for the VCs I'm putting together: Ulrike von Straumellberg, the banshee.

This was actually the first model that I bought from the VC range - I just love the pose so much. It also got me thinking about a narrative for my VC army. The basic idea is that the army is being built by a necromancer who is trying to resurrect a vampire from the 'true death.' He has come to live outside of Carroburg (conveniently where my Empire army is from - posts coming soon) and it's in this region that Ulrike or 'the Wicked Wench' haunts a roadside coaching inn called 'The Wicked Wench'. Augmented by the necromancer's power, Ulrike is terrorizing the surrounding farms.

For those who recognise the Wicked Wench, it is a deliberate nod to Icewind Dale II and Hedron Kerdos' ship (and mother!).

Ulrike outside of the Wicked Wench

Screaming from the tower

I really love the ethereal blues from GW, so I used their guide and again checked out Warboss Tae's guide to painting the Mortis Engine Spirit Host before putting brush to palette.

Originally, I had painted the hair bright red and the armour a tarnished black iron with six coats of Nuln Oil. But on reflection and after feedback from N-bombs the darker hair suits my more 'naturalistic' scheme, as does the contrasting 'blood armour' scheme - thanks to Andrew Kenrick from White Dwarf July 2013 for the step-by-step guide for the Khorne Lord of Skulls!

Ethereal units
Basecoat: Astronomican grey
Wash: 1:3 Hawk Turquoise + Asurman Blue
Highlight: Astronomican grey
Highlight: 1:1 Astronomican grey + Ceramite white
Highlight: Skull white
Wash: 1:1 Hawk Turquoise + Asurman Blue (recesses – negative space)
Wash: Thinned Thraka Green (recesses only)

Blood Armour
Basecoat: Tin Bitz
Glaze: Thin Baal Red
Wash: Carroburg Crimson
Wash: Nuln Oil (recesses only)
Highlight: Boltgun metal (edges only)
Highlight: Mithril silver (over boltgun, edges only)

Bsaecoat: Tin bitz
Layer: 1:1 Tin bitz + Boltgun metal
Layer: Boltgun metal
Was: Nuln Oil

Tarnished gold
Basecoat: Tin bitz
Wash: Devlan Mud
Layer: Shinning Gold
Layer: Burnished Gold
Wash: 1:1 Gryphone Sepia + Leviathan Purple
Highlight: 1:1 Shining Gold + Mithril Silver
Wash: 1:1:1 Hawk Turqouoize

Bsaecoat: Abaddon Black
Wash: Nuln Oil
Highlight: Skavenblight Dinge
Wash: Nuln Oil

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