Sunday, 20 July 2014

Throw the book at him: Empire Flagellant (take 2)

Ok, so based on Gaz's feedback I give you this more insane offering:

More blood and gore. 

Some careful Bhaal Red shading of skin areas for a more 'hair shirt' wear and, yes, tear. Aweful pun. And then some line shading with Leviathan Purple. The blood soaked cloth is a "spray" flicking the stippling brush, firstly, dark flesh (for dried blood), then secondly, blood for the blood god. Final careful application of 'B4tBG' applied with a standard brush and with streaking and some diluted soaking through... I'm much happier with this look. And I think the extra effort will be well worth it on all 20. I'll definitely be using them if I paint them well. That's the theory at least...


  1. Really nice Tom. Colour-wise it adds a bit of punch and of course fits the fluff well. You'll enjoy using them in the game, they are a great unit whether charging or charged and can really lock down an area or flank, a useful tarpit unit if needed. Downside are their points cost.

  2. Just superb - I especially like the weapons (with the rust/corrosion effect) and the face is delightful. They blood is well executed. And yes, these guys are tremendous fun to play with - the only sad thing is that their tendency to sacrifice themselves to take down enemies (so fluffy!) is a real hindrance against undead, which is a pity because it's a fitting matchup fluffwise.

    1. Thanks Nick, glad you like him. Yeah they're ace unit with regard to rules and fluff. Although I think you almost need about 30-40 for them to be highly effective. Shooting really depletes them as I found out against Gaz's dwarves!
