So when Warhammer 8th Ed was released I had to have me one of them bright new shiny sets filled with great new miniatures. I was particularly interested by the Skaven, the shape of the new models seemed to me to be quite easy and engaging to paint, being based on the 'S' shape - Jack, being the trained 'artist' does that sound about right?
Anyway, here is the
ratboy champion model for my bunker of 20 clanrats with hand weapons and shields.
I went with a tarnished and heavily rusted metal on the miniature, with a dark grey (approrpiately Skavenblight Dinge after Gaz's suggestion to contrast and it does work well with the orange/browns in the metal armour - thanks Gaz, legend). Another touch that I needed - especially once they were all ranked up - was the little 'pops' of "wyrdstone" otherwise the unit was a bit too brown. I did a basecoat of Astromanacon Grey on any shard pieces or trinkets at the waist and then loosely washed it with scorpion green - around the shard as well to simulate a glowing effect. See the full painting guide below. Dave this might interest you perhaps with your Skaven army on the go?
A couple of 'ratboy's' mates....
Now just a couple more slaves to go, right.....?
I was lucky enough to pick up a steal on eBay which has bolstered my force to 44 "makeshift" slaves. I say makeshift because I'd originally intended to have two massive blocks of clanrats, but didn't have enough shields to add these guys to either my unit with hand weapons and shields or spears and shields. So they're slaves. Actually having different weapons (though I'm sure illegal in strict game play) looks more rag-tag and slave like. I imagine these guys are so lowly that they've just grabbed whatever weapons they could find. In fact, I'm sure their cruel masters sent them to battle without any weapons or a one-between-two system reminiscent of the of this
scene from Enemy at the Gates. And yes, I fully expect these rats to die just as quickly....
As always, love to hear what you think.
TC's Clanrats painting guide
Undercoat spray: Army Painter Brown
Tarnished metal - I would advise doing this first on all metal and finishing all the way through these steps FIRST, as it's messy as!
Basecoat: Bestial Brown
Drybrush: Troll Slayer Orange
Wash: 1:1 Devlan Mud + Fuegan Orange
Highlight: Boltgun Metal (sparingly and in patches)
Highlight: Chainmail (only on previously 'chipped' areas)
Basecoat: Calthan Brown
Wash: Gryphone Sepia
Layer: Calthan Brown
Layer: Graveyard Earth (focusing on raised areas, leaving some Calthan showing)
Dark grey cloaks - mix up which pieces of cloth are dark grey or brown within the unit for rag-tag/mottley effect
Basecoat: Skavenblight Dinge
Wash: Nuln Oil
Layer: Skavenblight Dinge
Drybrush: Graveyard Earth (lowest areas of the cloak only to simulate muddy edges)
Dark brown cloaks mix up which pieces of cloth are dark grey or brown within the unit for rag-tag/mottley effect
Basecoat: Calthan Brown
Wash: Gryphone Sepia
Layer: Calthan Brown
Drybrush: Graveyard Earth (lowest areas of the cloak only to simulate muddy edges)
Skin - adding the glazes really made a difference to my mind and made the skin tone different to human skin, which was important in differentiating these to human skin tones
Basecoat: Tallarn Flesh
Wash: Gyrphone Sepia
Layer: Tallarn Flesh
Glaze: Leviathan Purple
Glaze: Baal Red
Wyrdstone shards and trinkets
Basecoat: Astromanacon Grey
Wash: Scorpion Green (watered down to a thicker consistency than a GW wash) and apply twice (or three times if you're happy with the effect), letting the first coat dry first. Again, I applied this in the area surrounding the shard as well.
Basecoat: Mechrite Red
Layer: Troll Slayer Orange
Layer: Yellow (of your choice really)